Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I'm going to be completely honest. Never once have I kept a New Year's resolution.....never. Because of this, I gave up setting them a long time ago, but I decided to take another stab at it this fact, I actually had my 2010 goals written in November and got a head start on a few of these! I'd like to take the time to share them with you today:

-lose 50 lbs
-cook healthier, smarter and more often
-pay off 50% of outstanding debt not including student loans and car payment
-establish an emergency fund of at least $1000.00
-commit to cleaning out my car once per week
-get new living room and dining room set
-find a new church and attend on a weekly basis
-add to my blog 3 times per week
-Read the entire Bible on a one year plan
-save at least $25.00 every paycheck in addition to the emergency fund
-establish an organizational system in my home
-add no unnecessary expenses until all debts are paid off

I will probably touch mostly on the cooking healthier, smarter, and more often resolution in this blog. I plan on doing this by using local, fresh, in-season veggies and fruits and whole grains and cooking the main dishes in a healthier manner. I already took a few steps toward this goal in 2009. First, I grind my own wheat, so all of the baked goods I make are full of whole grain, vitamins, and minerals. I also started replacing sugar with honey or Splenda whenever I can. I also plan to pick up a new vegetable every week and figure out how to use it in a tasty and interesting manner, which I will gladly share with you ! What steps are you taking to make 2010 your healthiest year yet?

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